We want to help save the Earth!

In celebration of the Rio +20 Conference on Sustainable Development, we are working on a project called
Living Within Our GREEN Means.
On our blog you will learn tips about how to help the environment and how to make environmentally-friendly stuff.
You can also see what we are learning and working on in school.
Do you want to save the Earth? Join us!


Week 14

·         Reading Log
·         Spelling
·         Clock Worksheets

Week 6

Your homework this week is to complete the homework packet given to you in class.  There are four pages of math and one reading assignment.  Good Luck!

Week 5
                          Design a Sandwich!
(creative/descriptive writing) 
Your homework this week is to design a sandwich! Think about the most delicious sandwich you can imagine, what would you have on it?  Draw a picture of your sandwich and write a detailed paragraph (5 to 7 sentences) describing your creation!  Remember to use adjectives (descriptive words) to create a picture in the reader’s mind.  Also, look out for capital letters and full stops!

(A worksheet was sent home with students)

Week 42
Living within our GREEN Means

Investigate: Ingredients
A)   Do one or more of the following investigations:

1.    Look at the back of your shampoo bottle. 
Write down all the ingredients. 
Now circle all the ingredients you recognize.

2.    Look at the back of your shampoo bottle.  Write down all the ingredients. Look up one or more of the ingredients that you don’t recognize together with an adult on the internet.  Write down what they are. 

3.    Look at the ingredients of a packaged food you enjoy like cereal or cookies. Now look in a cookbook for a recipe for a similar treat.  Look at the ingredients in both.  Write down what is similar and what is different.

B) Did you learn anything from your investigation(s)?  If so, what?
C) Based on your investigation(s), do you have any tips, thoughts or ideas about ingredients?

Week 40
Living within our GREEN Means

Investigate: Packaging
A) Do one or more of the following investigations:
1)   Look through your cupboards and refrigerator at home.  Can you find anything that you feel has an unnecessary amount of packaging? 

Make a list of these items together with an explanation of why you think these items have too much packaging.

2)   Go to the local grocery store. Can you find anything that you feel has an unnecessary amount of packaging? 

Make a list of these items.  When you get home write an explanation of why you think these items have too much packaging.
3)  Think of a product that you think has an unnecessary amount of packaging.  Think of with a way that you could package this item differently. 
Draw a before and after picture.  Write an explanation.
B)  Did you learn anything from your investigation(s)?  If so, what?

C)  Based on your investigation(s), do you have any tips, thoughts, or ideas about packaging?

Week 39
Living within our GREEN Means
Investigate: Water
Write the results of your ”investigation” in your Homework Book. 

Don’t forget to write A, B, and C in your book, followed by your answers , so that it is easy for your teacher to read.

A)   Do one or more of the following investigations:

1)    Do you have a bathtub/shower combo? 

On one day during the week, take a ”normal” bath and see how far up on the side of the bathtub the water reaches. 
On another day take a ”normal” shower with the bathtub prop in.  Note if the water is higher or lower than when you took a bath. 

Which used more water, the shower or bath?

2)    Do you or your family let the water run down the drain when you wait for it to be the right temperature when washing dishes, taking a glass of cold water, brushing teeth, or showering?

Take one of the activities above (washing dishes, taking a glass of cold water, brushing teeth, showering, or other) and place a bucket or container under the faucet until the water is the right temperature. 

Afterwards, use an old 1 liter milk carton or marked pitcher to measure how much water is in the bucket or container. 

How much water was used while waiting for the water to reach the right temperature?

3)    Time everyone in your family, including yourself, when taking a ”normal” shower.  How long does it take?   Make a list with the time.  Instead of writing names, you can write Person 1, Person 2, etc.

Your list can look something like this.

Person 1
Person 2
Person 3
Person 4

B)   Did you learn anything from your investigation(s)?  If so, what?

 C)  Based on your investigation(s), do you have any tips, thoughts, or ideas about water?

Week 38

1. Reading

2. Look at home to see if you have any of the following items. We are going to recycle them at school for a very special project. If you don’t have any of these items, that is okay too. We will share what we collect with one another.

• An empty cereal box or cake box that is ready for the recycling bin
• Candle stubs (not new candles!), scented or unscented
• An old comic book that is broken or that you don’t want any more (English or Swedish)